27 October 2010

The Contradiction of The Heart.

I want somebody who is harmless to my heart.

Cause me no sadness, no grief, no tear.

No difficulty.

 But then, that means you are of no import to my heart, no?

No significance?

 Ah, how this world’s nuances confuse me.

 This world’s a big joker, no?

Playing with us and life, wrapped around its dainty little fingers…

With Love,

This Life, is a confusion.

This life is tainted.

There were choices.
The choices we made.
The choices we didn’t make.

Do you ever wonder how life would be if you took different choices?

Then future comes.
Is there anything we can do about it?
Is there anything we didn’t do about it?

Making promises

If we have a chance to start all over again; would you?
          Start again?
If we can redo all mistakes, alter all choices, clean up all sins; would you?
          Erase your life and trade it for a brand new one?

If you can draw the future; would you?
          Design your life without a single smudge?
If you can conceive the clean, white-sheet life; would you?
          Make it squeaky-clean?
          Make it ‘perfect’?

What is perfect?

With Love,

21 October 2010

You and... What Am I?

I am quiet
Not at all the jovial type
Not at all the famous type

I am not in any clique
Not exceptionally smart
Not exceptionally funny
Not exceptionally rich

I keep to myself
          Do I?

Are like another dimension
From another faraway place

Not exactly jovial
But you certainly know how to light up the room

You work hard
And you certainly get what you deserve

You do not seem to belong to any clique
Not that they do not want you

This script is not for showing how sad my life is
Not for gathering sympathy either
Not for disclosing any underlying wish
Because I am happy where I am right now
Not going to trade it with anything else
It sure ain’t bed of roses
But I like it
Not exactly proud of what I have done
But that mold me into what I am now
And I do not think I want to change it with anything else
          Sounds like making conviction for myself, no?
          An oath of self-confidence?

This is just
          An observation.
          Would’ja believe it?

And you called.

With Love,