We are human beings;
We are inconsistent, fickle-minded creature, just like nature.
When getting students to listen to them, teacher might say:
It is not about doing the assignment or passing the examinations;
It is about gaining more knowledge for your life.
When students ask question, teacher could brush them off:
It is not on your assignment or examinations;
Do not bother asking me about it.
If school is really a place to gain knowledge:
Is it limited to only what needed to get distinction in examinations?
Or maybe high distinction?
Are the students not allowed to gain knowledge beyond that, in school?
Where else could we learn, with a safe environment,
When the mind in school is not allowed to roam,
within the boundaries of the subjects,
in a worldly context?
Why would people get defensive and tend to brush others off when probed with extended issue of the matters on hand?