10 May 2010

The Only Constant Is Change.

I don’t believe in leaving people…

Even if they change…

If you call yourself a family, or a friend, would you leave them as and when they change?

Would you still call yourself a family, or a friend?

I wouldn’t.

But then, I wouldn’t leave my family or friends, even if they change.

So what if they change?

Everybody changes.

Everything changes.

Even I do, and you know you do.

Wouldn’t it be so selfish of us, to change and want others to accept us readily, while we don’t allow them to change and leave them when they do?

It’s horrifying even to think that a real friend would use their existence in others life to threatened his/her friends not to change. How arrogant and how selfish could you be in life?!

For the better or for worse, I will always be here.

Where and when you need me, I’ll try to comply.

Friends, many of us are separated by the oceans, by the lands, by the time zone.

I might not be able to see you in person, to hug you when you cry, to heal your wounds when you hurt.

But please believe that my heart will always be with you. I never, ever, forget you even if I don’t talk about or to you. The physical constraint wouldn’t be able to restraint my love for you.

I have changed, yes.

My friends have changed, yes.

My family has changed, yes.

I didn’t leave them and wouldn’t leave them, and they didn’t leave me either when I

It was bad, bad, times. Horrible and terrifying, but I survived, and so will anybody else.

Going through changes doesn’t mean every past will be wiped out, y’know?

Things aren’t the same way it used to be anymore.

New individuals, new experiences, new stories in life.

Should anybody be blamed for this? No!

Should anybody be left for these things they can’t control? No!

So what if we met new individuals and stayed in an entirely new environment? Nothing’s wrong with that.

We just have to treasure those memories we were granted, and none, whatsoever changes can take it away from us.

Hugs n Kisses.