Much as I loathe it;
There is only so much I can do for you.
There is only so much this dependent immature is capable of...
What little I can hear; Share it.
What little I can see; Show it.
Because in my limitation;
These little things are the only I can do.
I am keeping myself healthy;
So that I can be on my tip-top condition, not only mentally but also physically -- and I hope you would, too, because ''di dalam tubuh yang sehat, terdapat jiwa yang kuat'', no?
There is only so much I can do for you.
There is only so much this dependent immature is capable of...
What little I can hear; Share it.
What little I can see; Show it.
Because in my limitation;
These little things are the only I can do.
I am keeping myself healthy;
So that I can be on my tip-top condition, not only mentally but also physically -- and I hope you would, too, because ''di dalam tubuh yang sehat, terdapat jiwa yang kuat'', no?
(''In a healthy body is a strong soul'')
I am already embarking on the journey to a better health for body and soul -- of course, there are lapses along the way; taking supplements, reducing food intake, getting more active brain and body a little bit by bit, and also getting enough sleep regularly (because bit by bit of 'paying up' just does not cut it for me).
Hopefully I can present myself to you at my very best,
Especially because you know my worst, seen me as I am and are encouraging me to be better,
So that I can, at least, reciprocate and give you my support now that I am stronger than I was.
Like how you encouraged me to do the right thing and be stronger,
I wish to be able to together guide each other in this course of life in our journey to each be a better person and spread this love to the world.