20 December 2011


is a way of saying that it is too painful to acknowledge that there is a problem,
And an acknowledgement means that something has to change,
And change could be very difficult.


A Child's Love.

"Kasih anak sepanjang galah"
(Roughly translated: The children's love is only as long as the pole.)

People often say how parents love their children unconditionally and endlessly;
          Have anybody ever think that the children might love the parents in the same way?

I grant that not everybody has that strong a feeling,
And thus giving the impression that there is no such thing as children's love,
Or that we, as children, love our parents because we need them.

My point is;
Can't we love our parents just because we love them, just because?

And then they have to say we can not,
          So we can not.
Ha ha. Very funny.

Whatever happens to 'watch your mouth' and 'ucapan itu adalah doa' (Roughly translated: Speech is a prayer) ?


The Big Question of Them Or Me.

Why does it hurt so much being misunderstood?
          Being treating as blitherin' idiot?
          By the people whom you thought would know better?

Or is it the way God, or whoever The Greater Being out there, to show me that I still have feelings,
          When I was convinced otherwise for a long time?

Well, You are doing a good, no, great job of it;
          I'm friggin' convinced.


The Up and Down in Our Tumultuous Relationship

I might never be good enough for some people,
          Even my loved ones,
          But that would not stop me from telling you I care, my love...

When the times get so trying and frustrating,
          I might leave for awhile to regroup,
          But that would not stop me from knowing you care, my love...

When we are bringing out the worst in one another's,
          I might think I have never felt so miserable in my life,
          But that would not stop me from making us our cups of tea, my love...

Because we are we;
          Human beings,
          With our shortcomings,
          And of course, our layers of complexity.

          Let's keep on loving...

With Love,

The Absence of Communication in My Relationships With Others

I was told that I did not contact others unless I need them.

Here is my answer to that:
          I think that waiting to pour my heart out to you when we meet again would make our connection so much more wonderful, so much more meaningful.


Where Do You Draw The Line On Sharing?

Have you ever had something so valuable you do not want to let anybody knows?

I am not talking about money, or jewellery, or anything like that...

          A certain someone, a certain feeling, a certain story?

Or does it have to be share and share alike?


Never-ending Issue With Love.

Do you believe in marriage of convenience?
          Or, according to the current term; practicality?

What about 'love can be nurtured'?
          What if you find someone, in whom your love is 'natured'?
          Would you then leave your partner?

Is it love's fault?

Or is it us, humans, who are being too arrogant by doing the dictation in love?


The Secret Affair With Food.

What happened before that guilt after eating?
          Fullness, extreme fullness of life.

Food, as a way of coping with life?
          Non, niet, nicht, NO!


The Option of Life.

When crying is perceived as weakness;
what are we to do when violence does not even classify,
does not even make the cut for the tumultuous heart,
as an option?


It Really Starts From The Heart.

In the few months when I started to put my foot down on my principles,
I noticed that I can feel more stability in my mental-self,
and when I’m mentally stronger I feel more tendencies on generousity.

What d’ya know?
By taking care of myself and taking stand in what I believe in (without having to force my belief upon others),
I’m growing my heart up.

And, nothing beats your inner joy.
