How would you love?
So beautiful you can’t not touch him;
Making sure he’s always there…
Making sure he’s not getting away…
The strong pillar of your life;
You can’t bear not to break him…
To pieces.
Make him so broken he would depend on you
for life.
The bird of happiness;
You can’t bear not to lock him…
In the same suffocating cotton cage he locks
you in.
Nobody would ever laid eyes on him,
And he would have laid eyes only on you.
Making him yours and yours only.
Sharing him to no one but you,
Not even his family or friends,
Not even his past.
This is sickening, you say?
Love would be trusting that he wouldn’t go
away even when the heart strings are loosened,
Love would be trusting that he will be
Love would be knowing you will be there,
For him.
Maybe someday we’ll all find a love;
Possessive enough to sustain us,
Trusting enough to let us fly…
Maybe someday…
With Love,