07 November 2011

Living Life

is a state of complete
physical, mental and social wellbeing,
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

World Health Organisation

Living Life

When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is
to be alive,
to breathe,
to think,
to enjoy,
to love.

Living Life

If you are not actively involved in getting what you want;

You do not really want it.

Living Life

It is your world.
You are a shareholder;
Take an active interest in it.

06 November 2011

This Course Of Life

Much as I loathe it;
          There is only so much I can do for you.
          There is only so much this dependent immature is capable of...

What little I can hear; Share it.
What little I can see; Show it.

Because in my limitation;
          These little things are the only I can do.

I am keeping myself healthy;
          So that I can be on my tip-top condition, not only mentally but also physically -- and I hope you would, too, because ''di dalam tubuh yang sehat, terdapat jiwa yang kuat'', no?
(''In a healthy body is a strong soul'')

I am already embarking on the journey to a better health for body and soul -- of course, there are lapses along the way; taking supplements, reducing food intake, getting more active brain and body a little bit by bit, and also getting enough sleep regularly (because bit by bit of 'paying up' just does not cut it for me).

Hopefully I can present myself to you at my very best,
          Especially because you know my worst, seen me as I am and are encouraging me to be better,
          So that I can, at least, reciprocate and give you my support now that I am stronger than I was.

Like how you encouraged me to do the right thing and be stronger,
          I wish to be able to together guide each other in this course of life in our journey to each be a better person and spread this love to the world.


05 November 2011

En Route To Be A Healthier Individual

I have discovered again and again, than I have little, or no, restraint.

I hate myself.

It's tearing me apart that pride gets in the way and I have no way throwing pride to the gutter.

It's like betraying my resolve, betraying myself.

Craving for more self-esteem,